Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid!

“What would you do if you knew you could not fail” is a quote that has circled the globe to inspire individuals to strive for more.  To reach beyond self-imposed limitations and push through barriers that could never be overcome before.

Society dictates that this quote is inconceivable based on Newtons first law.  An object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. 

I am not sure if Newton understood human psychology but his first law describes the mindset of every human being on earth.  We were each given a gift at birth that makes us each unique in our own way.  That special gift is imagination.  What the mind believes can be conceived.

But as Newton’s Law predicts, unbalanced forces will eventually slow or change the direction of your imagination.  This unbalanced force is what I like to call the influential flash point.  This is the moment that your thoughts of potential greatness are slowed by outside chatter. 

From the day we are born the circle we live in shapes the speed at which we travel.  We encounter opinions that influence our thoughts and actions.  We live by the acceptance of a rule that is self-applied to fit in, to follow the norm.  But why?

At some point without knowing, we all “drink the Kool-Aid” of external influence.  The need to fit in is pounded into our core because each generation before us sips from the same fountain.  Societal acceptance deadens the spark of energy needed to create your inner fire.

It’s the anomaly that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected. It’s the individual that looks within themselves and finds the courage to follow their imagination to the highest degree.  It’s the passion to look past the story of how other people describe what is your today and makes your tomorrow truly yours.

The speed at which you travel cannot be slowed or misdirected if you work to avoid the unbalanced forces.  The key is to understand that the outside influences are unbalanced by those who are drinking the kool-aid.  Set your own path. Strive for your own greatness.  Believe you cannot fail and anything is possible!

Be the person you have been hiding since the influential flash point.  Be You!

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Terrence Lowis, Chief Reality Officer

My coaching is for individuals who are committed to dramatically increasing their results in their business-life, both personally and professionally.

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